2014 Science Gallery Annual Review

Designed by Ruza Leko at Science Gallery Dublin

Editor: Lucy Whitaker

Editor: Jessica Hilliard

Editor: Róisín McGann

Printer: Print Media Services

Categories: Print / Publication

Tags: Typography / Art / Science / Photography

Science Gallery 2014 Review is an opportunity to share the year’s achievements with supporters and partners. As Science Gallery Dublin is a not-for-profit organisation, its programme heavily depends on the support of government organisations and other partners, therefore it is crucial to showcase the content Science Gallery Dublin produces, and the engagement with public it achieves throughout the year. It is a publication that shows and reinforces Science Gallery Dublin’s mission and vision through a visual or illustrative narrative.

The visual and contextual language gave a strong sense of identity with the invariable treatment used throughout, focusing on the successes of 2014 and the gallery’s mission to ignite creativity where science and art collide.