Sherry Fitzgerald — mySherryFitz


Designed by Kai Brossi at Isobar Ireland

Creative Direction: Anthony O’Rourke

Motion Design: Daniel Coss, Rory Nolan

Delivery: Donal Duffy, Rachel Owens, Niki Meredith

Development: Grigore Sevciuc, Darragh Kenny, Muhammad Huzaifa Bin Shakir, Jaunma Garcia, Aoife Shannon

Categories: Website

Industry: Commercial


mySherryfitz is a new online service designed from the ground up to enhance an already best in class personal service by giving customers 24 hour access to their property journey. It also eases the burden on agents and allows them to be more responsive when arranging viewings and both access and log offers instantly.

We set out to map the journey of buying a house and bring it online in a seamless, easy and step-by-step service with clear information and required actions. Users can easily see what stage of the process their are in and are alerted to what needs to get done to progress potential deals.

The user interface was designed to fit this purpose, being clear without being overwhelming, while still delivering all pertinent information. A modular, component-based design system was put in place that allowed for a clear and user-friendly experience for a process that is often thought of as stressful and opaque.