

Designed by Martin Fanning and Desmond Wade

Strategy: Celine Dee

Strategy: Steve Payne

Categories: Identity

Industry: Corporate

Industry Context

Increasingly CFOs are transforming the finance function of enterprises using data as a predictive and strategic tool to guide and steward the business. The alignment of Finance and IT Functions with the Business Strategy is a key priority for business leaders however the legacy systems and silo’d processes these organisations are built on inhibit the opportunities for transformation. 

These outdated legacy systems that do not speak to each other mean repetitive tasks are being carried out by employees who could better serve their businesses in other valuable tasks and gifting employees the time and opportunity to do the work they are most passionate about. 

Reitigh was created to enable leading global financial services organisations to meet complex administrative, regulatory, and transformational processing challenges. Their evolutionary technology translates between Business, Finance and IT Functions - liberating teams from mundane manual tasks. Ultimately their software speaks to multiple existing IT structures and software, allowing more controlled automation giving people and enterprises the freedom to focus on what matters most.


Created to unlock the power of data and deliver automated processing at scale for leading banking, investment, and insurance enterprises, Reitigh solves complex technical, data and administration challenges more comprehensively and transparently than any other player in the market.

Our challenge was to clarify how Reitigh could strategically communicate their highly technical process to engage and attract new customers and talent, setting the brand up for future success.


Through a strategic process of workshops and deep engagement with the Reitigh team, we extracted the truth within: Reitigh solve the most complex data and regulatory challenges by elucidating and creating order enabling leading global enterprises to accelerate decision making, security and control. Success is the sum of small efforts, continuously refined and revised. Small steps make big things happen. Big things have small beginnings.

From this, we crafted a unique set of CLEAR values (Collaborate Openly, Learn & Adapt, Elucidate & Solve, Always Secure, Results Oriented) and an authentic purpose “We translate complexity into opportunity, liberating enterprises and employees to focus on what matters most”. This was all distilled into a compelling brand promise “Translating complexity into opportunity.”