Tolka Journal – Issues 1 & 2


Designed by Sarah McCoy (Freelance)

Categories: Printed Publication

Industry: Cultural

Tags: Cover / Publishing / Logo / Print / Identity / Culture

Tolka is a new, biannual literary journal of non-fiction: publishing essays, reportage, travel writing, auto-fiction, individual stories and the writing that flows in between.

The published work moves beyond the limits of fixed genres, forms or subjects – mapping the fluid and chaotic ways through which language, stories and the self can be continuously rendered anew.

The identity, inspired by the Tolka river in Dublin, mirrors the ever-changing rhythm and flow of ideas, thoughts, and words. The name Tolka stemming from the Irish word An Tulcha meaning “the flood”.

Tolka is edited by Liam Harrison, Seán Hayes and Catherine Hearn, and proudly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.