W Display Identity & Website


Designed by Danielle OConnell, Emma Woods and Richard Collier at Good as Gold

Categories: Identity

Industry: Commercial

Tags: Digital / Interactive

Website: wdisplay.com/

W Display is a world-renowned, Irish exhibition company specialising in bespoke displays and fabrication. With over 30 years of experience, primarily focused in the exhibition space. W Display sought a refreshed brand identity to narrate its evolution over the years, emphasising the strength and talent of its team and unique capabilities. 

The brand identity, inspired by 3D space and perspective, reflects W Display's link to the built environment. The logo plays with perspective, forming the basis of a dynamic brand pattern. The identity is digitally focused, ensuring a consistent and polished presence on the website and social media. The goal of the website was to design and build a simple site that communicates the company's expertise and fabrication processes.